Energy Healing for Self Love & Prosperity

Hey beautiful souls!

Today’s post is about using energy healing to experience more self love, self worth and prosperity and abundance of all good things.

Most people have difficulty experiencing self love, self appreciation, worthiness and even prosperity at a high level.

You can use the law of attraction, law of creation, law of unity or whatever law of the universe you want, but if you’re not aligned with your Source Energy or Higher Self the physical things you desire won’t change much and may be fleeting, scant or show up in part or not at all.

Raising your vibration and discovering self love is one of the most important things you can do in order to really make significant shifts in your life in any area. If you don’t have self love in this very moment for who you are right now, the energy you are emitting to the Universe is unworthy and “less than”. Which in turn results in experiencing life from a place of lack and unworthiness in many areas including relationships, health and money prosperity and abundance of goodness.

In order to shift your life experience and “manifest” (materialize) your desires, you must release the belief that you are unworthy, unlovable, bad or less than anyone else in this world. You must also shift your belief that it is not possible for you to change or experience these things that you desire to Create in your Life.

Once you begin clearing blocks to self love and self worth you will experience a shift in your thoughts first.

And since thoughts are energy and are one of the most powerful creative energies in the Universe, thoughts become things and create your Life experience. When you raise your vibration (spiritual consciousness) through self healing and releasing old negative energies (thoughts, beliefs, trauma, etc.) you open your energy to receiving and experiencing higher vibration thoughts to Create something different in your experience of the World and Life in general.

In turn your life experience will shift including relationships, health, prosperity and abundance, and general happiness and alignment with your dreams, goals and desires one by one like a domino effect if you keep up the momentum and higher energy vibration.

You can heal this part of you that feels unworthy and unlovable with energy healing and shift your life experience.

In the eyes of the Universe (God, Source Energy, Spirit) you are already perfect in this very moment. I heard as quote many years ago from a healer that said, “God doesn’t create junk”. I tend to believe this is very true when I think about it.

Additionally, if we are created in the image of God we would not be “less than” or unworthy. God is the Highest frequency of Love and is the Creative Mind/Spirit (zero point field) and experiences the physical through our experience here on Earth.

It has been found that energy healing using meridian tapping can be highly beneficial in self healing. I work with diagnostic meridian tapping and use it in my own life and remotely with others.

I am including a general (Universal) meridian tapping code that I have created for increasing Self Love and shifting abundance.

You may notice shifts in your energy quickly or over time and notice a difference in the way you feel about yourself and may experience the creation of additional prosperity as a result. You can print this on a piece of paper and run your hand/fingers over the code multiple times in a row and multiple times per day for as long as desired. (Hint: It has been found that you do not need to tap the meridian points on the body for this to work. Running your hand/fingers over the code or you can read the code several times in a row).

Click here for meridian tapping charts to get started with your energy healing code below.

I would love to hear your results! Blessings, Yvette (advanced diagnostic energy healer, True Healing Source)

Meridian Tapping Code for Self Love & Prosperity


My work is dedicated to so many powerful Creators that came before my time & live today to teach spiritual truth & inPowerment, Neville Goddard, Abraham Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. David Hawkins, Wayne Dyer and so many more amazing Source Energy connections. Thank you with all my heart as I can feel the truth of your teachings flowing through me.

Yvette lives boldly from her Heart allowing Source Energy to guide her toward living her best life inJoy. She shares information as a coach about law of attraction, conscious living, spiritual consciousness and law of Creation, and leads by example as a positive energy & authentic living guide and is certified in multiple energy healing methods and is also a creative artist. Yvette has not only used these tools to profoundly self heal many areas of her life, but has also worked with others in discovering self love through reconnection with Source Energy, increased appreciation and more inner peace and live more authentically and empowered to experience their best life.

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide from my own personal experience and coaching others to betterment. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. eCoaching Sessions and energy healing are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing this eCoaching Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and it’s affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for you self-healing and health.

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