Raise Your Spiritual Consciousness with Energy Healing

Exactly What Does Energy Healing Do?

Effectively, what is energy healing and how does it work?

In this brief video, I talk about using energy healing and energy correction methods to raise your spiritual consciousness, not only of your emotional energy & vibration, but also the vibration/energy of your cells in your body in order for healing (sometimes instant healing) to take place.

Yvette Marie, Certified Energy Healer – Fine Artisan Malas & High Vibration Spiritual Jewelry, Emotional Healing & Positive Living

In my personal experience in working with energy healing, I have discovered that energy healing is really a beneficial way of “raising your consciousness” through releasing old trauma, stuck patterns of energy and long standing beliefs of your own, and sometimes beliefs that you took in from someone else as you were growing up and becoming you.

By clearing old energy patterns, you allow your consciousness to naturally rise to find alignment with your true authentic self (aka: spirit self, Source Energy, etc.), and in the process you not only heal old emotional patterns and traumas pretty darn quickly, but allow the cells of your body to find alignment and effectively begin naturally healing as well.

New Clients Only – No session work will be completed during FREE Consultation

In my experience and testimonials from others I have effectively worked with, it is a way of completely shifting your life, your view of the World and how life works. It is a magnificent way of shifting the way you show up in the World and receive all that life is waiting to offer you. It is a wonderful way of opening yourself to higher energy and alignment with Truth and living consciously with awakened awareness.

Do you dare to find out who you really are?