What Are You Inviting and Summoning Into Your Life?

What things and experiences are you inviting into your Life?

Are you choosing what you are experiencing and receiving?

Another way of putting it is what are your manifesting or materializing in your current or future reality through your current thoughts, beliefs and actions?

Do you want to experience more goodness, a better relationship, more money, more connection and Joy, more Love, better health? Do you feel like your Life is in someone else’s control? Do you feel like you have a choice in the things you Create and experience in your Life?

In every moment you are Creating your personal World whether the experience is something that you want or don’t want. Your thoughts and beliefs are Creating each moment to come.

Do you focus on the things that you desire to manifest? Or do you have the same thoughts each day about your self worth & what’s possible for you?

Most of our thoughts on a daily basis are the same thoughts we thought yesterday and the day before that and so forth. We tend to live each day basically the same as the previous one and wonder why we don’t experience our new desires or have a “better” life than the one we are living.

In order to shift your Life into something greater you must focus on what’s possible. You must shift the way you think, the words you speak and the things that you focus on.

In the beginning, it may feel like you are lying to yourself as you don’t see much physical evidence of it yet. However, as we begin to intentionally shift our way of thinking, our brains are actually becoming rewired to those new thoughts, beliefs and frequencies and the Universe in time will have no choice but to deliver those things to us. It is Universal Law, Law of Attraction, Law of Creation, Law of Unity, etc… This is also referred to as neuroplasticity of the brain aka: rewiring of the brain. It has been discovered that it is possible at any age which was not once believed to be true.

It does take work!

If you want to change your life or upgrade your life experience, you must first change your thoughts and beliefs. And, this takes practice and conscious effort since most people are set in old negative thought patterns and beliefs since birth.

Your thoughts invite the experience into your Life. What you focus on is what you become and what you experience in this World. Thoughts become things. Your inner World reflects in your outer World. Two people with the same things presented to them will have completely different experiences based on their thought constructs and beliefs.

One person may experience struggle and may self sabotage themselves right out of the very thing they desire because they have a belief that they are unworthy, or it is not spiritual or that the World is against them or that it is simply not possible for them. It’s as if they are fighting the goodness that is being offered to them. And the other person may experience fluidity and Joy because they believe they are worthy of it and it is their birthright to experience such Joy and goodness as a child of the Universe/God.

For many of us, we have grown up with religious concepts, social constructs, family values and generational beliefs that are passed down. We learn from teachers in school, social media and TV what is right or wrong or what is possible for us. In many instances we are taught that we are unworthy, powerless and insignificant and we are trained to be in a victim mentality. We are trained that the Universe does things to us or is against us or to punish us.

What if the Universe was for us?

The spiritual truth is that the Universe conspires on your behalf. The Universe always has your back! However, we are so powerfully in our past thoughts, beliefs and experiences that we are out of alignment with the newer version of ourselves that we have grown to be. We are still holding on to the old construct of what we are worthy of, what we are allowed to have, what we are capable of and what we are deserving of manifesting and materializing.

You are an extension of Source Energy, The Universe, God.

The Universe instilled in you the mind to think the thought and Create the life you desire by aligning with it. We are all here to fulfill something. We all have specific natural talents and passions that seem to bring us the most Joy when we are doing those things.

However, we are taught that we should or shouldn’t follow a specific path because one thing or another may reward us with more money or success. And, in many cases it can take us away from our true passion and purpose and Joy. Our family or society encourages us to become doctors, lawyers and other professions that are considered financially wealthy not taking into consideration of what we actually want to do or what comes natural to us that brings us Joy and happiness and fulfillment.

However, you can become wealthy in a variety of careers depending on your mindset and beliefs about what’s possible for you and what you are worthy and deserving of.

Energy is everything.

A thought is simply energy and it is creative. Energy can not be created or destroyed and always exists. However, we can choose to align with certain energy or vibrations.

You get more of what you focus on from a variety of things such as your thoughts and beliefs. The TV shows that you choose to watch. Are they uplifting or filled with violence, destruction, cheating spouses or family abuse or even poverty?

Do you listen to music that encourages lying to your spouse or cheating on your partner, abuse, sexual promiscuity, womanizing or other negative or hurtful behavior?

Do you frequently talk about yourself with hatred and negativity? Do you talk about how unworthy you are or use the phrase, “I can’t” frequent?

These are all ways of inviting in such experiences as you are energetically aligning with these thoughts, words, energy and in time actions.

You get more of what you focus on and what you believe. You are sending an invitation out to the Universe for more of what you think about, talk about or choose to focus on.

A belief is simply a thought you keep thinking.

You have a choice the thoughts you keep active in your vibration.

A belief is a thought that you keep alive on continuous replay day to day, week to week, year to year. And only you have the power to actually change your thoughts in turn changing your beliefs about most anything.

You can change your thoughts by being aware and choosing a new thought. You can change your beliefs that no longer serve you by choosing to believe something better or different. You can change how you perceive something by choosing to view it differently or from a different vantage point. You can change your reactions by being aware of old patterns that no longer serve you.

What are you repeatedly inviting into your Life that you would like to change?

My work is dedicated to so many powerful Creators that came before my time & live today to teach spiritual truth & inPowerment, Neville Goddard, Abraham Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. David Hawkins, Wayne Dyer and so many more amazing Source Energy connections. Thank you with all my heart as I can feel the truth of your teachings flowing through me.

Yvette lives boldly from her Heart allowing Source Energy to guide her toward living her best life inJoy. She shares information as a coach about law of attraction, conscious living, spiritual consciousness and law of Creation, and leads by example as a positive energy & authentic living guide and is certified in multiple energy healing methods and is also a creative artist. Yvette has not only used these tools to profoundly self heal many areas of her life, but has also worked with others in discovering self love through reconnection with Source Energy, increased appreciation and more inner peace and live more authentically and empowered to experience their best life.

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide from my own personal experience and coaching others to betterment. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. eCoaching Sessions and energy healing are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing this eCoaching Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and it’s affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for you self-healing and health.

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