Malas, Yoga Jewelry & Meditation Jewelry Prescott Valley AZ

Compassion Mala with Mandala Pendant

True Healing Source Jewelry Prescott Valley Arizona.

My name is Yvette and I am the founder of True Healing Source jewelry. I create beautiful handmade jewelry from my home studio to support your self healing journey. True Healing Source jewelry is not mass produced, chain store jewelry. Our jewelry is high vibration jewelry created with Love and intention and intended to be as unique as you are. Most of our mala necklaces are one of a kind and all hand knotted mala beads necklaces include a custom affirmation or mantra created specifically to align with that gemstone mala healing properties. You will receive your affirmation or mantra beautifully printed on a card included with with your order.

Tranquility Mala Necklace

Uniquely hand made…

I personally hand make each unique piece of jewelry with the intention of creating something beautiful that you Love to wear to support your self healing.

I hand knot each strand of mala beads and make each bracelet, truth dowsing pendulum and other jewelry that I sell. I consciously choose all gemstones and other jewelry findings that I include in the jewelry I make with the intention to create something beautiful that will bring you excitement and Joy each time you wear your special piece of jewelry or use your healing crystals and stones.

I also consciously consider the unique healing properties of each set of stones that I put together in each mala necklace or bracelet. Gemstones are believed to hold powerful healing vibrations that can be used to support your personal spiritual healing journey. You can choose different stones and mala beads that resonate with each phase of your healing and spiritual growth path.

I create a variety of jewelry to support a diversity of spiritual beliefs including mala bead necklaces, meditation beads, mantra beads, chakra jewelry, prayer necklaces and other spiritual jewelry.

Each hand knotted mala necklace includes a custom affirmation or mantra created by me especially for that necklace to align with the spiritual healing qualities of the gemstones used in the creation of your mala beads.

Jewelry for Self Healing Support

Sexual Healing Kundalini Mala Beads

• Mala bead necklaces
• Mala bead bracelets
• Meditation beads & Meditation jewelry
• Chakra beads & Chakra jewelry
• Energy Healing jewelry
• Healing crystal & gemstones
• Energy dowsing pendulums
• Spiritual healing jewelry

DISCLAIMER: Yvette is a certified energy healer and she is not a licensed therapist or doctor. Energy healing is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease, physical or mental. It is also not intended as a substitute for regular medical care.

Do Your Thoughts Belong to You?


Do Your Thoughts Belong to You?


Are your thoughts really yours?

Have you ever questioned why you think the way you do? Or even if you really believe the way you think? We are programmed from birth by our parents and other influential people, and TV and other sources so powerfully, that most of us probably don’t even question why we feel or think the way we do. We just assume that it belongs to us.

I came across an interesting concept a few years ago through Access Consciousness. The idea was in a form of a question. When you have a limiting thought or belief, ask yourself, “Who does this belong to?”

I know for me, my parents both had very different ideas about things as I was growing up. My dad tends to be very cautious and afraid of everything (stems from childhood and 2 tours in Vietnam with PTSD). My mom on the other hand, has always been more daring and willing to try things. Unfortunately, I grew up afraid of everything. And, as an adult, realized that a lot (probably all) of my fears are really not mine. They belong to my dad. I am still on my journey of releasing this way of living and it has brought me to many self healing methods (and realizations) that I now help others with in their healing journey.

As we grow up, our parents may instill in us their worries, fears, feeling, thoughts and so forth. And, because it is so repetitive, we take on their beliefs and feelings about life. We just never stop to question if it is really our belief or not.

Here is an example as a parent how I realized this in my own life as a mom and now I am able to change how I interact with my children (who are almost grown now).

A few years ago, I was at a local theme park with my youngest daughter and her friend. She decided she wanted to experience the BIG roller coaster. (We have been on the kiddie one many times over the years, and that is not without some screams). My initial thought (and I almost spoke it out loud), was “No way! You will be terrified and freak out, and want to get off part way through the ride and I won’t be able to stop the ride for you to get off!” So, my fears were about myself, not being able to protect her if she got scared and my own fears of the BIG roller coaster. I have been on them, and prefer not to do it again (at least for now ~ working on this one). I am happy to say, that I actually stopped myself from expressing this to her. Instead, I realized that I would be tainting her experience and that she might actually enjoy the BIG roller coaster even though I don’t. So, I let go…and said, “OK, have fun!” And, I watched her swirling around and laughing with her friend…repeatedly! She loved it and went on it a few times. In this case, I was so glad I kept my opinions to myself and let her experience it completely on her own and form her own opinions. I have to remember sometimes, that we are all infinite beings with infinite knowledge. And, I feel that just because I am the adult, doesn’t always mean that I know best.

Now, I have not done this always, but, over the past few years, I try to “let go” more and let her and her older sister experience things from a place of innocence and not let my feelings or experience influence and taint how they feel when they try something for the first time. I am not perfect at it, but, I am aware now.

There are so many areas this could affect your life. What thoughts and feelings hold you back? When you feel apprehension or fear, ask yourself, “Who does this belong to?” It is funny, if you let go and listen, you might actually get an answer…or not. But, you may realize, that the thought or feeling really isn’t yours. And, sometimes, just asking yourself that one question, can actually release it, and you may find that you feel totally different if you leave space for something else, that you don’t expect at all. And, this is where the magic happens. It can open doors that were once closed due to our own closed mindedness and defenses and fears, that really….don’t belong to us. Who’s thoughts, feelings and fears are holding you back from living the life you are meant to live joyously?

– Yvette Marie is a Certified Energy healer, certified Thought Field Therapy practitioner, and Advanced Bio-energetic muscle testing practitioner using advanced energy and body scans through Quantum Techniques methods. Yvette has also been certified as a Reiki practitioner and Access Consciousness practitioner. She is not a licensed therapist. Energy healing is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease, physical or mental. It is also not intended as a substitute for regular medical care. –

– Hold Harmless – by using these methods, you agree to be 100% solely responsible for your health & wellness, the health of your family, and animals and hold you Yvette 100% free of responsibility or harm. Use of bio-energetic muscle testing has never been found to cause harm to anyone nor has any form of energy healing. –

If you would like to schedule a session and begin your journey to personal transformation, healing & well being, or have any questions, I invite you to email me @ or for more information please visit

Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

salt 1

Do you get enough salt in your diet? What are the health benefits of salt? Did you know that it is possible to have healing with food? Many standard health professionals talk about the health risks of too much salt, but did you know that there are actually health benefits of salt? I mean the right kind of salt. I am talking about Himalayan pink salt.

I personally use Himalayan salt and have for a while in my kitchen. I have never been a person to add lot of salt to my dishes, I am more of a sweet tooth. However, quite some time ago, I heard that Himalayan salt actually has 84 essential nutrients that our body needs! Wow! That was cool information in itself! I was impressed and did some more research and found there are other benefits from changing from normal white iodized salt, to healthier pink Himalayan salt.

Did you know that salt is actually essential for life? It actually aids in regulating and maintaining health blood pressure and is vital for our nervous system. Chloride is essential for our brain and neurological function and thinking. The main source of chloride in our body is salt. Salt is also necessary for metabolism and digestion. It is also crucial for our adrenal function, which is responsible for the release and regulation of over 50 of our bodies hormones (I was not aware our bodies had over 50 hormones, were you?) From the video link I am attaching, it states that in many cases craving salt is a sign of poor adrenal functioning.

Himalayan salt is taken from the Himalayas in deep deposits in the mountains over 250 million years old. I am pretty sure there were no man made chemicals back then to contaminate it.

Himalayan salt has no added chemicals or processing ~ is 85% sodium chloride and the remaining 15% is 84 trace elements and minerals (in a highly absorbable colloidal form) that our body needs and no added iodine. And, even though our bodies need iodine, it should not come from traditional table salt. There are many other highly nutritious ways to get natural iodine in our bodies. (healthy diet, etc.)

White table salt is 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% other stuff such as chemicals (moisture absorbents, iodine, anti-caking compounds~ferrocyanide & aluminosilicate, some countries also add flouride to table salt). Ferrocyanide, I don’t like the sound of anything that sounds like cyanide and aluminosilicate sounds like, you guessed it, a form of aluminum, and it is.A little research suggests that Potassium ferrocyanide is produced industrially from hydrogen cyanide, ferrous chloride, and calcium hydroxide, the combination of which affords Ca2[Fe(CN)6] · 11H2O. This solution is then treated with potassium salts to precipitate the mixed calcium-potassium salt CaK2[Fe(CN)6], which in turn is treated with potassium carbonate to give the tetrapotassium salt.[4] 

It just sounds so chemical to me.

In making traditional white table salt, they heat to 1200 degrees which actually alters the chemical structuring of salt.

Sea salt, although better than traditional table salt, is also not as healthy as Himalayan salt. Due to chemicals being dumped and spilled into the ocean, it resides in the sea salt.

Himalayan salt just tastes better (as the video suggests). I do agree. I find that normal white table salt has almost a pungent or tart sort of flavor. I find Himalayan salt much more gentle, mild and maybe even sweeter.

Himalayan salt comes in different forms, from a table salt shaker style in coarse granules to finer grains, salt lamps (which I do own and love! The light is so calming and there are other health benefits for your home in owning/using one ~another post maybe) and salt “boards” for cooking on.

Here are some of the health benefits of Himalayan salt as mentioned in the attached web link:

  1. Regulating the water content throughout your body
  2. Promoting healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells
  3. Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging
  4. Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body
  5. Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract
  6. Supporting respiratory health
  7. Promoting sinus health
  8. Prevention of muscle cramps
  9. Promoting bone strength
  10. Regulating your sleep – it naturally promotes sleep
  11. Supporting your libido
  12. Promoting vascular health
  13. In conjunction with water, it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure

Regular table salt concerns as mentioned: 

For every gram of sodium chloride that your body cannot get rid of, your body uses 23 times the amount of cell water to neutralize the salt. I don’t think my body needs to work that hard to get rid of something that obviously seems like more of a toxin in my body and does more harm than good. No wonder we feel so thirsty after eating typically salty foods and get bloated! Our bodies are crying for water to flush it out!

Yvette is a Self Love Coach & Women’s Empowerment Leader and practices Advanced Diagnostic Energy Medicine & Remote Energy Healing and utilizes powerful tools to help you SHORTCUT YOUR JOURNEY and tap into over 15 years of her experience, expertise and her intense study of spiritual consciousness, self healing & COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY HEALING, law of attraction tools and everything in between in order to manifest your best life ever!​​​​ to apply for one of my Personalized SELF LOVE & EMPOWERMENT MASTERY Programs and find out how to CLEAR YOUR BLOCKS to manifesting your BEST LIFE.

Powerful Natural Mosquito Bite Remedy

Powerful Natural Mosquito Bite Remedy

mosquito water

With mosquito season fast approaching, I thought I would share the most powerful remedy I have found to remove itching and reduce swelling. For me it works immediately.

I wrote a post a few years ago, about a 2 natural remedies I had found for mosquito bites, and they were quite effective and quick, and I can honestly say I have found this one to be even more powerful and much quicker. I also use this remedy for any other erroneous bug bite that I have received with instant results.

I use advance level bio-energetic muscle testing and Quantum Techniques energy medicine (energy healing) in my life and with my clients and continue it’s study and advancements. Quantum Techniques is considered the most comprehensive energy medicine on the planet due to the advance level bio-energetic muscle testing used with it’s advanced energetic scanning system. I use this method in my life daily and for use with clients all over the country and on the phone or via email.

I have woke up in the morning a few times, only to find a bite with itching and swelling, (not knowing the true origin or offender that bit me) and when I used this technique/method, the itching disappears instantly and the swelling reduces quite rapidly leaving no trace of a bite, swelling or itching.

For issues like mosquito bites, QT only takes a few seconds and always works safely with your own energy system – it is safe for people of all ages and animals, too. QT is also safe for mom’s to be. There are no side effects and it is completely 100% natural, safe and effective. It’s origin is based on energy tapping, or TFT (Thought Field Therapy) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Instead of actually tapping all over your body, you read the “tapping” code or run your finger over it instead, for the issue at hand. Or, if you are like me, you can use a command to release the code into your body. This saves SO much time compared to tapping and it can be done anywhere at any time with no one even noticing.

Dr. Stephen Daniel and his wife Beth Daniel have taken tapping to a whole new level in the way they diagnose personal codes compared to EFT and TFT, in which TFT is the original grandfather of all tapping methods. They have done extensive research, study and testing over the past 30 years or so, and continue to do so. They have developed such a deep level of testing to diagnose the bodies energy system which in turn creates a much deeper level of healing. This of course also creates a base for healing in our body that for some people they have been told there is no healing. In many cases QT has helped many people heal of “incurable” issues in their bodies. That is another post, but, just a little introduction of Quantum Techniques (QT).

I recommend that you visit their website here and watch the few minute video on entering the treatment points into your body’s energy system, especially if you have never done any energy tapping before. This just gets you used to the idea and gives you a base of how your body is receiving this healing information. I invite you to contact me when you are ready for a personal session.

Once you do that, you can either read the codes a few times or run your finger over it next time you get a bite and see if it helps for you. (* I am not recommending this if you have a serious or life threatening allergic reaction to bug bites and stings. However, I have read & heard of multiple cases while studying both TFT (Thought Field Therapy) and QT (Quantum Techniques), of energy tapping saving a persons life from severe allergic reactions while waiting for emergency help to arrive using the PR (psychological reversal) tapping on the side of hand (karate chop spot) and under nose repeatedly until help arrives. Please do more research as serious allergies can be life threatening and I am in no way responsible. You must do your own research to find out more. I feel this information could save a life, I do recommend finding out more so you have this technique available in case you need it.)

OK, so once you have watched the video and entered the energy tapping spots into your body. You are ready to try this next time you get a mosquito or bug bite.

First use the QT injectant toxin code and then use the QT bite and sting code. You can read them a few times or run your finger over them a few times as you focus on the bite and itching/swelling. I am sharing this information with permission from Dr. Stephen Daniel.

This is the way I have personally used it multiple times for instant relief.

Injectant toxin code:


Bite and Sting code:


In addition, in some cases you can even try the QT contactant toxin code before you use the bite and sting code. Everyone’s body receives differently, and a bite may enter a persons body as a contactant as well.

QT Contactant toxin code:


As I stated above, I have used these codes for instant relief of bug bites even when I did not know what bit me. I have awoken in the morning with my big toe itching like crazy, swollen at the site and red. I immediately entered these codes into my body, and the itching immediately stopped and within a short amount of time the redness and swelling disappeared.

I have awoken with other itching, redness and slight swelling on my arm a few times, with an obvious bite, and run the same codes with the same relief instantly. I have also suddenly noticed itching and bites a few times, going about my day, and run the same codes and instant relief, once again!

I invite you to try these QT codes next time you get a bite and see what happens for you. Personally, I always choose natural healing before trying conventional methods. I would rather not put toxins and man made chemicals into my body. I hope this method is as quick and helpful for you!

Blessings of abundant health and joy!

– Yvette Marie is a Certified Energy healer, certified Thought Field Therapy practitioner, and Advanced Bio-energetic muscle testing practitioner using advanced energy and body scans through Quantum Techniques methods. Yvette has also been certified as a Reiki practitioner and Access Consciousness practitioner. She is not a licensed therapist. Energy healing is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease, physical or mental. It is also not intended as a substitute for regular medical care. –

– Hold Harmless – by using these methods, you agree to be 100% solely responsible for your health & wellness, the health of your family, and animals and hold you Yvette 100% free of responsibility or harm. Use of bio-energetic muscle testing has never been found to cause harm to anyone nor has any form of energy healing. –

If you would like to schedule a session and begin your journey to personal transformation, healing & well being, or have any questions, I invite you to email me @ or for more information please visit

How Can Energy Healing with Quantum Techniques Help You

How can Quantum Techniques energy healing help you?

Energy healing with Quantum Techniques has the ability to help a person or animal or any living thing or situation in many ways.

Many of the clients that seek out Quantum Techniques for healing help have chronic issues. Others have trauma & PTSD and it has taken over their life to a severe point. Still other people who use Quantum Techniques may use it for something more manageable and less severe such as to enhance other healing methods & practices or weight loss.

I use Quantum Techniques combined with advanced bio-energetic muscle testing in my life every day for myself, my family and my clients. Quantum Techniques is the most comprehensive form of energy medicine on the planet and I have personally found it to be the most profound and powerful method of energy healing. Using the advanced bio-energetic testing and the Quantum Techniques scans, gets to a deeper level of information for physical health & healing as well as emotional health & healing. I have realized some profound shifts in my own life and in helping my family heal.

Recent Client Testimonial: “The personal Quantum Techniques code you gave me, is the most beneficial and powerful code I have ever received. I feel it working when I use it. I am getting so much benefit and can tell a difference in the way I feel emotionally. I can tell there are changes. I can feel it.” – This QT healing code was for a physical issue that had symptom intentions and specific emotions that I tested for, and added to the field for his personalized & unique healing code. He has been using other energy tapping methods for many years and is new to Quantum Techniques method energy medicine & healing.

Some of the benefits and experiences of energy healing with Quantum Techniques are: 

  • Emotional healing

  • Chronic Health issues (95% of clients)
  • Healing relationships

  • Enhance other healing methods and standard medicine

  • Reduce or remove unwanted side effects of necessary medications and treatments (ex: chemotherapy, daily medications)

  • Reduce/remove unwanted side effects of necessary medications & therapy (ie: chemo)
  • Help other therapies “STICK” better (ie: Chiro)
  • Inner peace
  • Weight Loss
  • Physical healing

  • Shingles
  • Diarrhea & constipation
  • Skin issues
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Syptom releif from chronic illnesses
  • Letting go of emotional baggage

  • Healthier body, mind and spirit

  • More appreciation

  • Reversal of disease and symptoms

  • Better communication

  • Less pain

  • More laughter

  • Higher intuition

  • Prosperity in Life

  • Money prosperity

  • More energy

  • Self appreciation

  • Foregiveness
  • More youthful appearance

  • Less anxiety

  • Lifting of feelings of depression

  • Higher consciousness

  • Higher purpose

  • Clear thinking (less brain fog)

  • Heightened senses

  • Attracting better situations in life

  • Healing grief/Love loss

  • Attracting soul mate

  • Advancing professionally

  • Peak performance in sports or other profession
  • Better grades

  • Better sports performance

  • An overall feeling of balance, peace and harmony

  • Sense of connection to something bigger

  • Chakra alignment, healing and balance

  • Desire to be greater and help Universe

  • And, much more

These are just some of the benefits you could experience with Energy healing and Quantum Techniques.

You’d be surprised to know that sports athletes and celebrities and other high achievers use Quantum Techniques and other energy healing methods for peak performance and healing.

– Yvette Marie is a Certified Energy healer, certified Thought Field Therapy practitioner, and Advanced Bio-energetic muscle testing practitioner using advanced energy and body scans through Quantum Techniques methods. Yvette has also been certified as a Reiki practitioner and Access Consciousness practitioner. She is not a licensed therapist. Energy healing is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease, physical or mental. It is also not intended as a substitute for regular medical care. –

– Hold Harmless – by using these methods, you agree to be 100% solely responsible for your health & wellness, the health of your family, and animals and hold you Yvette 100% free of responsibility or harm. Use of bio-energetic muscle testing has never been found to cause harm to anyone nor has any form of energy healing. –

If you would like to schedule a session and begin your journey to personal transformation, healing & well being, or have any questions, I invite you to email me @ or for more information please visit

Energy Healing: Side Effects and Healing Crisis

What happens after an energy healing session? Are there side effects during or after an energy healing session?

When I first began using energy healing many years ago, I was not aware that there could be energy healing side effects (aka: healing crisis, herx reaction, herxeimer reaction, die off, cleansing crisis, etc). They are not normally severe enough to be incapacitating or anything. But, some experience minor side effects during and after energy healing sessions.

In some cases where deep healing is taking place, there may be some minor side effects that are noticed, especially if you are sensitive to noticing things that are different in your body & surroundings.

Some energy healing sessions might leave you feeling a little lethargic, ready for a nap. As energy correction takes place and the negative energy frequencies are being release, the body’s energy system is disrupted and the and the body is realigning into a new energy frequency that is different.

With the method I use, an energetic filter/shield can be placed on the energy correction (healing) code in order to offset some or all of the energy healing crisis, healing reaction or clearing reaction. At the end of a session, I test if it is needed and to what extent (example: 57% filter/shield and by intention add this information to the energy correction code.

As an personal example, during a self session or running a session for someone else (since I act as a surrogate when working with others), I normally experience a shiver, a swirl of energy run up my body out of the top of my head, a yawn, fatigue (especially with an emotionally severe issue), a dizzy feeling for a moment or two, itching on my face or hands that is short lived when releasing something usually of non-physical or emotional nature, usually while releasing a trauma or specific event. In some more extensive deep sessions, I have actually began crying uncontrollably, however, it lasts a few moments as if I am releasing something emotionally painful and then it stops as suddenly as it began. Usually this is only for maybe 10-15 seconds and has only lasted maybe 30 seconds a few times over the years. In a few cases, I have actually felt an emotion such as deep loss/grief during this type of release and then it dissipates just as quickly as well. And, then all of a sudden I feel a tremendous relief and even feel like smiling or laughing. I usually know when the release is complete because I take a deep breath without realizing it intentionally and feel “done”. It’s pretty cool to be able to release stuff in such a quick & beneficial manner.

Side effects are usually minimal and can be viewed as your body’s way of expressing the release of something negative as it begins to heal.

The most common side effects reported to me during and after their energy healing sessions include (not limited to): vivid dreams, dreams of healing or resolution of emotional or physical issue, dreams of healing a specific relationship or past love trauma, the sensation of heat, nausea, dizziness, sleepy, numb, tingling, emotional release and brief anger, laughter and so forth.

Keep in mind, this is just your body’s way of releasing old energy frequencies and patterns in order to find true sustainable healing. Any time you make significant changes in your self healing, there will be side effects no matter what method you choose, even if you only change your diet – it is not harmful – it is possible to experience these symptoms in phases for a few days to a week, or not at all.

Some of the side effects that might be considered “negative” that could show up with energy healing that I am aware of are:

  • Yawning
  • Flatulence
  • Burping
  • Itching
  • Feeling a need to stretch your body
  • Irritable
  • Fatigue
  • Dizzy
  • Nausea
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Mood swings
  • Crying/laughing
  • Dreams
  • Chills/warmth
  • Tingling
  • Sleepy
  • Diarrhea
  • Memories
  • Energetic release

Some of the side effects that could be considered positive associated with energy healing that I am aware of are:

  • Less anxiety, more calm
  • Healing trauma of sexual assault/rape
  • Better sleep
  • Deeper meditation
  • Being more present
  • More energy
  • Rapid release of trauma
  • Lifting depression
  • Raise spiritual consciousness/awareness
  • More self esteem/confidence
  • More Joy & laughter
  • More money/prosperity & success
  • Generational issues
  • Releasing intentions that block healing
  • Better relationship/relationship healing
  • More ease/less resistance
  • Dosage change in RX, supplements, etc.
  • Better sex/more intimacy/orgasm
  • Weight loss/weight gain
  • Clear head/less brain fog (usually toxin related)
  • Better memory
  • Better eye sight
  • Feeling balance/harmony/calm
  • Being able to speak up for self/others
  • Reversal of dis-ease symptoms
  • Change in physical medical testing results & HRV
  • Better intuition
  • Inner peace
  • Healthier body
  • Less pain
  • Forgiveness
  • Long standing emotional turmoil & heartache healing
  • Inner peace/preparing to die
  • Grief release
  • Less rage/anger
  • Relationship loss/breakup healing
  • Overcoming addictions
  • Healing fear of public (agoraphobia)
  • Symptoms of PTSD healing
  • And, much more

In some cases, you might notice a shift or effect during your energy healing session. In some cases you might notice side effects or shifts in days & weeks following your energy healing session. Normally, the most intense effects are noticed within a day or two at most.

What should I do after an Energy Healing session?

I normally recommend drinking plenty of water to keep the body hydrated & flush out any toxins being released. I also recommend some rest if you are able to after your session. A short nap if time permits is great. Even a short meditation can be beneficial.

If you are in a very toxic state (physically and emotionally) especially at the beginning, your body may feel a little lethargic for a few days after your initial session. You may notice a little emotional upheaval for a day or two as non-physical portion of your healing is being released such as emotions and old patterns. It can last moments or off and on throughout your day. Try to relax, and take a moment to reflect if you can and let it release without judgement. In most cases, you will quickly notice the “clouds being lifted” so to speak. I have found that this normally lessens as work progresses and healing takes place. I always recommend that you honor yourself & intuition and listen to what your body is telling you.

Energy healing/energy medicine (aka: energy correction) can be a tremendous addition to other forms of healing and can enhance the effects of other healing work, holistic or traditional. Some forms of energy medicine, can significantly reduce or completely remove the negative side effects of necessary medications and treatments such as chemo therapy if that is the route you choose for healing. to apply for our 12 Week Personalized SELF LOVE & EMPOWERMENT MASTERY Program and find out how to CLEAR YOUR BLOCKS to manifesting your BEST LIFE.

Yvette is a Self Love Coach & Comprehensive Energy Healer and Law of Attraction Coach and utilizes powerful tools to help you SHORTCUT YOUR JOURNEY and tap into over 15 years of her experience, expertise and her intense study of spiritual consciousness, self healing & COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY HEALING, law of attraction tools and everything in between in order to manifest your best life ever!

To find out more about me visit here. And, to schedule your free consultation call visit here.