What is the Universe Manifesting Today – law of attraction

What are you asking the Universe for right now?

Are you listening and hearing the call of the Universe? Do you hear the desire it is radiating at a massive decibel?

Visit here to purchase printable Law of Attraction Affirmation Card Decks, Printable Self Love Affirmation Card Decks and Printable Body Love Affirmation Card Decks.

According to the Universal Law of Attraction, we are all co-creators in this physical life. And, the more powerful the asking, the greater the manifestation of something more than we could ever imagine. 

I can only wonder what the mass consciousness of the human race is calling into action and manifestation right now. When the calling is massive backed by a powerful asking, the Universe can only answer in a massive and powerful way.

Are you allowing all the Universe has planned for you into your life? Or are you in resistance without belief in your Source Energy?

I feel that right now, amidst all the chaos and noise of the coronavirus (covid19) news, the Universal calling is for peace of heart, knowing that our loved ones and ourselves are safe and healthy. We are powerfully asking for good health amidst this chaos and virus that seems to be consuming the Earth not only physically but emotionally. We are calling for Joy instead of feeling fear, panic and anxiety every moment of the day as we watch over our loved ones. As a planet we are massively asking for safety, not just for our own self and family, but for the whole Earth. We are asking for abundance amid this time when there is a threat of financial depression.

What else are you asking for on a personal level?

You are Source Energy, you are an infinite being connected to Source, connected to the whole Universe at a powerful level. You are important. Your asking is important. You are worthy. The Universe hears you no matter what. It is given as soon as you ask.

“It is already done”

Can you imagine how the Universe is going to answer that call? Can you imagine the gifts the Universe is ready to bestow upon us at large as a human race? Are you listening? Can you hear it? Are you ready? 

Blessings of Optimal Health & Peace,
Yvette, EC-CP

How to Find Self Love & Reconnect to Your Divine Spirit

It is possible to transform and live an empowered life. It is possible to really heal from anything in your life, if you are in alignment with your Diving higher self (Source, God, Universe or however you label it). You can flourish, prosper, thrive and find complete Love and appreciation for your body, yourself the World. You are Divine Spirit expressing itself in physical form. You have the Love and support of the Universe behind you. You can truly be, have or do anything that you desire and live an authentic life.  

How do you reconnect with your Authentic Self finding more self Love, self appreciation & harmony in your life?

As a Divine Spirit You began life in joy & appreciation for who you are.

However, along our life journey, we pick up false beliefs from others that little by little disconnect us from our authentic self and create blocks to our natural states of abundance, Joy and personal power.

Some things you might have picked up that are in resistance to your best life are:

• emotions or blocked emotions
• frozen or trapped emotions in the body
• false beliefs (out of alignment with your Higher Self)
• specific traumas or events
• trauma fields
• beliefs about yourself, others, the World, God or suffering
• Beliefs about money & how you can personally make/receive money
• intentions (ex: remain sick, remain co-dependent, punish someone, etc.)
• Gains to remaining ill/poor or weak
• Losses to getting well (alignment with authentic self)
and more!

Remote Comprehensive Energy Healing eSessions from the comfort of your home wherever you are in the World!

I use an advanced form of muscle testing combined with Comprehensive Energy Healing to help you identify and clear these frequencies from the body, reconnecting you to your natural state of abundance and Joy which aligns you with your best life.

Find out more at https://truehealingsource.com

Blessings of Optimal Health & Peace,

Tapping Code for Coronavirus Emotional Upset, Panic and Fear

The best way to keep a healthy immune system from the standpoint of the Law of Attraction and Energy Healing is to remain in a high vibration in order for your cells to be in communication with your Divine Spirit or Source Energy without interference.

One of my passions as a coach and healer is to help people find a deeper sense of inner peace and Love and experience Universal Love Consciousness.

The news of the coronovirus has created an energy of trauma, panic, distress, fear, terror, pandemonium and anxiety at this time. Being in a state of hypervigilance and terror can actually lower your immune system making you more susceptible to viruses, pathogens and dis-ease.

How can you clear the emotional upset, panic and fear you feel about the coronavirus and raise your vibration for self healing?

Of course there are many physical things you can do to keep a healthy immune system that I talk about in my post here. However, from a spiritual standpoint or the Universal Law of Attraction, being in a high vibration or energy state (love consciousness) is the most beneficial way to raise your immunity to all sorts of pathogens and dis-ease. There are many ways to do this including meditation, practiced mindfulness, yoga, and other methods that help bring you into a heart centered place. However, one of the quickest ways I have found is with the use of Comprehensive Energy Healing which is a much more in depth method of meridian tapping therapy.

As a coach and healer in this field, I felt inspired to create a Universal meridian tapping code (that you will find below) to help you clear the emotional upset of the coronavirus news. It is my heartfelt desire that this is shared with as many people as possible around the World to help relieve some of the fear, panic and anxiety that people are experiencing over this news and bring more inner peace, harmony and unity in the World.

Please share this photo with as many people as possible and hopefully we can bring some calm to the chaos that has been created.

Blessings of Optimal Health & Peace
With Love,
Yvette, Founder, @ True Healing Source

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. eCoaching Sessions and energy healing are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing this eCoaching Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and it’s affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for you self-healing and health.

How To Stay Healthy Against Virus and Pathogens

You are an infinite being, Divine Spirit, Source Energy…and the Universe has your back.

It is possible to transform and live an empowered life. It is possible to really heal from anything in your life, if you are in alignment with your Divine higher self (Source, God, Universe or however you label it). You can flourish, prosper, thrive and find complete Love and appreciation for your body, yourself the World. You are Divine Spirit expressing itself in physical form. You have the Love and support of the Universe behind you. You can truly be, have or do anything that you desire and live an authentic life.  

It is possible to transform and live an empowered life. It is possible to really heal from anything in your life, if you are in alignment with your Divine higher self (Source, God, Universe or however you label it). You can flourish, prosper, thrive and find complete Love and appreciation for your body, yourself the World. You are Divine Spirit expressing itself in physical form. You have the Love and support of the Universe behind you. You can truly be, have or do anything that you desire and live an authentic life.  

How can you stay healthy using the Law of Attraction and Energy Healing?

From a spiritual standpoint, there are so many false beliefs around your body and your health that you could have received as you were growing up.

You might be purposely using the law of attraction or other method to attract good health to your body or another area of your life with little success.

Combining the Law of Attraction with Comprehensive Energy Healing to identify and release negative energy patterns and frequencies in the body can be powerful in sustaining a healthy body, a healthy emotional state of mind, healthy relationships and healthy spiritual state, too.

“You are what you think”

You are what you think about the most. In order to use the law of attraction in the most powerful manner, you must clean up your dominant thoughts, beliefs, intentions and emotions. For some it’s as easy as using powerful affirmations daily along with meditation or other means to quiet the mind and get into a more positive energy.

Visit here for FREE Universal Tapping code to clear panic & fear of coronavirus news

For others there are many repeated patterns over time that have created an energy stream of negativity that is more difficult to step out of or reverse the momentum (neuroplasticity). This includes thoughts about your body, your health and the way your body is meant to be or heal.

This is where using the Law of Attraction by itself may shortfall some people, even though it’s a very powerful tool. Combining specific energy healing (energy release) methods can raise the bar while using the Law of Attraction purposefully.

According the Abraham Hicks teachings, there is no “unconscious” or hidden beliefs blocking you from manifesting whatever you desire. If it is unconscious, that means it is not an active vibration in your current life and therefore has no affect on your manifesting. So, in essence, everything that is blocking your manifesting is “conscious” or active even if you are not really aware that it is affecting you on a myriad of subjects in your life or blocking you from having all that you desire.

In some instances, there might be beliefs in place that you have to follow your family’s history of health issues or that you must be the worst case scenario of anyone that a doctor has seen in regards to your health. I have seen these beliefs a lot with others that I work with.

I can help you identify the active vibrational beliefs and blocks to manifesting your best life so they can be resolved within your energy system.

“Rest your body”

Do you ever wonder why you need so much rest when you are ill or have a chronic illness either physically or emotionally? Your body needs rest and restoration. When you are sleeping your mind and body are not in a state of resistance. You are aligned with your Divine Spirit. Your body is better able to heal when you are resting and sleeping than when you are awake in a state of resistance especially if your life is filled with stress or if you don’t handle stress as easily as some seem to.

“You are what you eat”

Your body is a bundle of energy. And, food is a source of energy, either positive or negative. Are you in alignment with what you are consuming each day? Foods that are natural always resonate a higher energy than foods that are boxed, canned or packaged. It’s OK to eat sweets occasionally, however, most people consume way too much sugar each day than we were meant to. And, we use artificial means to boost our mood and our energy. The Universe has created many natural ways to boost our mood and our energy that we don’t utilize. Gentle exercise, healthy natural food choices such as fruits and vegetables that are nutrient dense to help our body’s natural immune function and raise our levels of feel good hormones, accupressure, meridian tapping, breath work, meditation, yoga, laughter, kissing and hugging and much more! And, for many just adding these to their daily life just feels really good! Their cells vibrate higher, their body becomes happy and knows it is being appreciated, loved and cared for and shifts into better health.

“The Universe is about ease”

The Universe is about ease and so is your body. There is no need to harm your body in order to be healthy. There is no need to struggle or torture your body in order to find alignment with Optimal Health. I know of some people who truly believe that the less “exercise” they do the more health they are. And, they appear to be in amazing health! They use their body in ways that feels good and they have a belief that they do not have to struggle or suffer in order to have good health. If you enjoy spending hours in the gym, then that’s the best way for you to stay fit, because you are in alignment with that. However, if you don’t find joy in spending time in a gym, you can use simple methods to obtain Optimal Health in your body. You can have ease and flow and enjoy the ways you move your body in order to be healthy.

I am not saying that the law of attraction is not a powerful tool when used consciously. I know from experience that in some cases, there is a lot of momentum in the negative energy and using energy healing can help clear the negative energy and powerful momentum and put you back into a more natural state of flow and abundance in your life with much more ease.

The truth is that the more negative thoughts and feelings you have about your body, the more ill health you will have. Your body is an energetic entity. Each cell has it’s own consciousness and knows exactly how to be healthy, if we would just get out of the way. If we would just stop the negative thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and feelings we have about our body and health. You have to find appreciation for your body and who you are in order to improve the conditions of your body permanently. You must come into alignment with who you really are for permanent lasting shifts in your physical health.

We have an internal system that is called “feelings” (or gut feelings) that is our natural guide to what is right or wrong for each of us individually. Most humans do not pay attention to their feelings and instincts. They usually do just the opposite because of what they have been taught throughout their life time.

You are taught not to trust your own self. We all have been taught this from infancy. We have been taught that someone else is a better authority over our own body and life. We are all infinite beings, Divine Spirit, and we all have the same connection to our Source Energy (God, Universe or other label). We all have the answers built in naturally to every question we could ever ask.

Our body’s have a way of communicating with us through energy and symptoms. When there is a symptom, there is disharmony in our system, sort of like a break in energy, like a broken electric cord and a disconnect in our self, our beliefs, in our thoughts that don’t resonate with our Divine Spirit or Higher Self (Source Energy, God). Symptoms have a purpose and are trying to tell us something, they have intentions.

Here are just a few of many intentions the body might be trying to communicate to you:

• I can’t be healthier than my family
• to take on another person’s illness (as if it would help them feel better)
• to avoid work or responsibility
• to be the focus of someone’s attention
• to resolve a conscious conflict
• to hold power over someone
• to remain a victim
and so many more!

In order to heal our body or anything in our life, we have to bring our energy back into alignment with our Divine Spirit. In doing this, it removes the fight or flight energy in our body, and our body consciousness raises to Love frequency, and as a result naturally heals itself as it is meant to do.

Consciousness Technology

I use a method of advanced muscle testing combined with comprehensive energy healing to help you energetically release the energy behind the beliefs, intentions, emotions, traumatic experiences and circumstances that may be keeping you from manifesting your best life with more ease. I also test for the frequencies of past or present pathogens or toxin frequencies that are being held in the body from any point in this lifetime and where they are being held in the body blocking you from your best health and energetically clearing them in the process. I have taken the term Consciousness Technology from another method I have studied and deeply respect along my journey into Energy Healing and Self Healing. I feel the work I do actually raises the consciousness of the cells by removing the negative energy states that resonates. Then the cells do what they are naturally programmed to do which is self healing. I have not only experienced some miraculous healing with this, I have witnessed it in others, too!

Here are just a few beliefs that could be in the way of your physical Optimal Health:

• it’s too hard to stay healthy
• I don’t deserve to be healthy
• it’s not safe
• not allowed – forbidden
• I hate eating healthy
• not safe to be different from my family (I’ll be judged)
• I’m too old
• I’m not worthy
• I will have to have sex
• eating healthy is expensive
and so many more!

Some of these beliefs can be powerfully ingrained in your consciousness and hard to stop the momentum.

Somewhere along the way we have taken in dis-empowering beliefs that are not natural to our Divine Spirit that have resulted in living less than we are deserving of and less than we are capable of as infinite beings.

You have everything within you to be abundant, healthy, happy, thriving, vibrant and magnificent in any way that you desire.

It is my passion to help you discover alignment with that Divine Spirit that you are at your core.

This combination can be wonderful if you would like to shift:

• acute physical issue (virus, bacteria, etc.)
• as an aid to boost immune system (fight off viruses, bacteria & other pathogen frequencies)
• chronic health issue (long standing health issues or issues that appear blocked from healing)
• low self-esteem (self-worth, self-love, body appreciation)
• stress, anxiety and panic symptoms
• forgiveness & letting go (of self and others)
• anger & rage
• guilt
• blocks to healing & optimal health
• life changes (career changes, moving, retirement, empty nest)
• grief or loss of love (death, divorce, relationship loss)
• relationship issues and healing (communication & speaking your truth, divorce, breakup)
• intimacy (self-worth, body issues, repressed sexuality)
• past or present trauma (release the attachment to a traumatic upset resulting in better emotional health)
• personal development and life purpose
• money abundance blocks & career advancement
• family relationships (parent/child struggles, spouse issues)
• speaking your truth and aligning with Divine self
• alignment & manifesting a life you desire
• optimal health (emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally)
• spiritual growth & consciousness

Visit https://truehealingsource.com for more information and schedule your session to move toward alignment with your Divine Spirit and feel more in tune with your Higher Self.

Blessings of Optimal Health & Peace, Yvette

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. eCoaching Sessions and energy healing are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing this eCoaching Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and it’s affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for you self-healing and health.

What’s Blocking Your Money Abundance?

You are an infinite being, Divine Spirit, Source Energy…and the Universe has your back.

Yvette, Energy Practitioner & Inspired Living Guide

It is possible to transform and live an empowered life. It is possible to really heal from anything in your life, if you are in alignment with your Divine higher self (Source, God, Universe or however you label it). You can flourish, prosper, thrive and find complete Love and appreciation for your body, yourself the World. You are Divine Spirit expressing itself in physical form. You have the Love and support of the Universe behind you. You can truly be, have or do anything that you desire and live an authentic life.  

What’s blocking money from flowing into your life freely and abundantly?

From a spiritual standpoint, there are so many false beliefs around money that you could have received as you were growing up.

You might be purposely using the law of attraction or other method to attract money or abundance in another area of your life with little success.

“You are what you think”

You are what you think about the most. In order to use the law of attraction in the most powerful manner, you must clean up your dominant thoughts, beliefs, intentions and emotions. For some it’s as easy as using powerful affirmations daily along with meditation or other means to quiet the mind and get into a more positive energy.

For others there are many repeated patterns over time that have created an energy stream of negativity that is more difficult to step out of or reverse the momentum.

“The Universe is about ease”

I am not saying that the law of attraction is not a powerful tool when used consciously. I know from experience that in some cases, there is a lot of momentum in the negative energy and using energy healing can help clear the negative energy and powerful momentum and put you back into a more natural state of flow and abundance in your life with much more ease.

I use a method of advanced muscle testing combined with comprehensive energy healing to help you remove the energy behind the beliefs, intentions, emotions, traumas and circumstances that may be keeping you from manifesting your best life with more ease.

Here are just a few beliefs that could be in the way of your money abundance:

• money must be hard earned
• it’s not safe to surpass my family’s level of money or success
• money is not spiritual
• rich people are selfish
• God doesn’t want me to have money
• I’m not worthy
• if I want money, I’m selfish
• money is the root of all evil
or even post hypnotic suggestions.

Some of these beliefs can be powerfully ingrained in your consciousness and hard to stop the momentum.

Somewhere along the way we have taken in dis-empowering beliefs that are not natural to our Divine Spirit that have resulted in living less than we are deserving of and less than we are capable of as infinite beings.

You have everything within you to be abundant, healthy, happy, thriving, vibrant and magnificent in any way that you desire.

It is my passion to help you find alignment with that Divine Spirit that you are at your core.

I use advanced muscle testing with comprehensive energy healing (a more advanced and powerful personalized method of meridian tapping) to help you identify and clear the energy of beliefs, intentions, emotions, and other frequencies that are keeping you from living your best life in whatever area you choose to focus on.

This combination is wonderful if you would like to shift or heal:

• acute physical issue (virus, bacteria, etc.)
• boost immune system (fight off viruses, bacteria & other pathogen frequencies)
• chronic health issue (long standing health issues or issues that appear blocked from healing)
• low self-esteem (self-worth, self-love, body appreciation)
• stress, anxiety and panic symptoms
• forgiveness & letting go (of self and others)
• anger & rage
• guilt
• blocks to healing & optimal health
• life changes (career changes, moving, retirement, empty nest)
• grief or loss of love (death, divorce, relationship loss)
• relationship issues and healing (communication & speaking your truth, divorce, breakup)
• intimacy (self-worth, body issues, repressed sexuality)
• past or present trauma (rapid release of trauma upset resulting in no longer attached to the pain, upset or emotional charge)
• personal development and life purpose
• money abundance blocks & career advancement
• family relationships (parent/child struggles, spouse issues)
• speaking your truth and aligning with Divine self
• alignment & manifesting a life you desire
• optimal health (emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally)
• spiritual growth & consciousness

Visit https://truehealingsource.com for more information and schedule your session to move toward alignment with your Divine Spirit and feel more in tune with your Higher Self.

Blessings of Optimal Health & Peace, Yvette

Improve your Immune System for Life

With the coronavirus on many people’s minds right now, I thought I would share some positive practical guidance toward optimal living and strengthening your immune system from a different vantage point. There have been many statements about the coronavirus and the immune system. It is important to keep a healthy immune system always, not just to ward of the coronavirus.

Yvette, Energy Practitioner & Inspired Living Guide

Worrying about the coronavirus and creating havoc, stress and anxiety is not going to go very far in blocking the virus. In fact these things can weaken your immune defenses leaving you open to other viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, and no one likes to be sick no matter what it is. Right?

Some of the most beneficial ways to help yourself right now and for long term optimal health is using strategies to strengthen your immune system and general health, not just to avoid the coronvirus, but to avoid other viruses and pathogens along the way. Personally, I would rather avoid feeling yucky no matter what it is!

Some beneficial ways of strengthening your immune system:

Improve your mood!

One of the best most powerful ways to keep a healthy immune system and ward off ill health is to keep a healthy emotional system. High Vibes Only! There are many studies that show that keeping a healthy positive attitude and high energy is one of the most beneficial ways of improving your immune system. From a spiritual (law of attraction) standpoint, your vibration creates the state of your cells in your body. If your energy vibration is low, in a state of worry, fear, panic or similar energies, your cells are vibrating at a much lower frequency. Therefore creating a more susceptible state for infection of any kind or dis-ease. (Also, see energy healing below)

Many years ago, I had a personal experience when I first began studying human consciousness levels (raising your vibration) that were created by Dr. David Hawkins (spiritual consciousness pioneer). I used one of his methods for stimulating/balancing the chakras and cleared a sore throat and impending cold symptoms within minutes. This was not expected as it was the first time I had ever tried it and was amazed, overjoyed and shocked all at once!

I recall a book I read many years ago which quoted a scientific study. Basically, they tested the saliva of people in a state of rage, anger, fear, panic anxiety and the like. What they found was the frequency tested similar to snake venom. We all know snake venom is very unhealthy and even deadly. Snake venom is meant to kill the victim. I remember thinking no wonder people who are in a constant state of stress, anger, anxiety and panic have heart attacks and chronic bad health!

Drink lots of clear water.

Staying hydrated with clean, clear water is a great way to flush toxins and toxin build up from the body and you feel more energetic, too! Studies show that you should drink about half your body weight in ounces of clean water each day. And, one advantage of increasing your water intake for some people is weight loss without even trying! Hello!!

So, this does not mean drinking half your body weight in soda, sweetened drinks, coffee, tea or other items. This means fresh water.

Using supplements and herbs to strengthen you immune system.

Some basic supplements you might consider are:

• Vitamin C is considered one of the best immune boosters around.
• B6 may help fight inflammation which causes weak immune system
• Vitamain E is a powerful antioxidant
• Vitamin D is considered a powerful immune booster (how ’bout that sunshine, eh?)
• Echinacea is well known for immune boosting
• Umcka (tea or remedies is used for boosting immunity and shortening the length of colds and flu symptoms)
• Vitamin B12 is said to be a powerhouse. It helps make DNA, nerve and blood cells, and is crucial for a healthy brain and immune system
• Oil of oregano
• Oil of Garlic
• Raw garlic chopped up into tiny pieces and swallowed
• Elderberry, Astragalus, Elderflower and other hebals
• Honey has some potent immune system boosting ability and basically lasts forever! Studies have shown it can kill harmful forms of bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites.
• High potency vitamin or supplement to balance the whole body
• Herbal teas and tictures
• Homeopathic remedies
And many more!

Move your lymph!

Your lymph system unlike your cardivascular system does not have a pump (like your heart) to move the lymph fluid through your body, and can therefor become stagnant. Your lymph system is the means to move and eliminate toxins, viruses, bacteria and other sludge from your body and keeps your immune system health. There are multiple ways to move your lymph including self lymph massage, professional massage for lymph drainage, yoga, rebounding and more.

Comprehensive Energy Healing

There are many methods of energy healing and I have found some to be much more beneficial than others. In my extensive study and personal experience, I have found a combination of the most comprehensive and beneficial methods that uses an advanced method of muscle testing to dialogue with the body consciousness and find out what’s at the root of the issue whether it’s physical, emotional, relational or spiritual. I use comprehensive energy healing to help move the mind, body and spirit into a higher state of consciousness, raising the vibration of the cells out of a state of fight or flight for powerful self healing.

I use this advanced muscle testing method to identify many things including frequencies that resonate in the body at the root cause of issues along with physical blocks to healing, non-physical blocks to healing and attachments which block healing. The process brings to light the cause and the blocks to healing and shifts the body into alignment and into a state of powerful self healing. Your body is meant to self heal anything. Sometimes it just needs to be alerted that there is something to heal. There are frequencies that we come into contact with each day that can block the body’s ability to see what’s wrong and block the body’s ability to heal. Energy healing can also help bring your immune system into alignment strengthening your ability to ward off offending frequencies that cause ill health. Visit here to find out more https://truehealingsource.com


Acupressure is wonderful for a myriad of issues and can help you improve your overall health or help relieve something specific. You can use it at home either by yourself or with the help of a loved one if you have difficulty reaching a spot yourself. Unless you have significant restriction of movement, most points on the body can be reached on your own and you only stimulate each spot for a minute or a few minutes at at time. One of my personal favorite resources is a book called Acupressure Potent Points, A Guide to Self Care for Common Ailments by Michael Reed Gach.


Meditation and practicing mindfulness can be very helpful in staying balanced and in a more relaxed state of mind. Meditation has been found to lower blood pressure among other physical health benefits.


Yoga moves your body and massages your organs and helps move the lymph fluid through your body which removes toxins, viruses, bacteria and other waste from your body. Yoga is also good for the mind, emotions and feeling a general sense of calm.


Rebounding has also been found to be highly beneficial in moving the lymph fluid through your body as well, removing toxic waste, sludge, viruses and bacteria from the body.


Exercise can also be beneficial as it moves your lymph and builds a healthy immune system, healthy heart and more! A simple way to begin if you have not exercised regularly is walking. You can begin with just a few minutes at a time depending on your fitness level. Exercise can also help elevate your mood! (I have to mention: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise routine)

Eat healthy!

It is not beneficial to only consume healthy foods when it is in a panic to avoid a virus. You have to take care of your overall health during the whole year. Avoid excessive sugar and sweets. Avoid baked goods and high carbohydrate diets that feed candida, mold and fungus overgrowth in the body which wreaks all kinds of havoc on the body, inflammation and your immune system. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables with healthy sources of protein for your specific body. And, fruits and vegetable have substantial amounts of vitamins and nutrition to help support your health and raise your immunity.

Get enough sleep.

Not only is sleep a time of restoration and healing for your body, it is a time of releasing resistance from a spiritual standpoint. This is a time when you are at ease, without stress or anxiety or thoughts of the day keeping you in a high anxiety state which lowers your immune system.

Internal cleansing (gut health)

There are many supplements, herbs and other methods of cleansing your gut and removing old waste matter in the body. It is said that your immune system is in your gut. Therefore doesn’t it make sense to keep a healthy gut, including healthy bacteria, fungus and a healthy biome?

One of my favorite herbal cleanses is the Arise and Shine herbal cleanse. This is the most comprehensive and beneficial cleanse I have used if you are looking for an herbal based cleanse.

Another method of cleansing the body that I find more gentle is an energetic cleanse using comprehensive energy healing. I can test which areas of the body are the most toxic and which areas of the body test most beneficial for cleansing first. An energetic cleanse can be highly beneficial and can help strengthen the immune system and remove sludge from the body. Visit https://truehealingsource.com to find out more or schedule an eSession.

Natural Sunlight

We are blessed with the natural form of Vitamin D and other things from the sun! Even just a few minutes per day can do wonders for not only your immune system, but also brighten your mood and alleviate states of depression and sadness.

MMS – Miracle Mineral Supplement

http://www.a2zhealthproducts.com – I have used mms (miracle mineral solution, sodium chlorite solution) with great success in killing virus, bacteria, fungus and more from the body, as well as clearing cold/flu symptoms quicker. You will find controversial information about this. You will have to use your own common sense and decide if it is right for you. Many others in my field use this with tremendous benefit for optimal health.

I envision that some of these methods will resonate with you and help many of you to rebuild your immune system for Optimal Health every day, not just in panic of a coronvirus.

Blessings of Optimal Health & Peace, Yvette

DISCLAIMER: Yvette is not a licensed therapist or doctor. Energy healing is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease, physical or mental. It is also not intended as a substitute for regular medical care.

Hold Harmless – by using these methods, you agree to be 100% solely responsible for your health & wellness, the health of your family, and animals and hold Yvette 100% free of responsibility or harm. Use of Energy healing and other alternative healing methods mentioned above, and advanced bio-energetic muscle testing has never been found to cause harm to anyone.