What’s Blocking You from Joy, Love, Fulfillment & Abundance?

What Beliefs are Blocking You From Living the Life of Your Dreams?

What’s keeping you from feeling fulfilled in your business or “work”?

What’s blocking you from experiencing Joy in your relationships and Life?

What’s limiting beliefs are blocking you from creating and manifesting the abundance and prosperity that you have been desiring for so long?

A Belief if Simply a Thought You Keep Thinking

There is usually more than one belief that is keeping us out of alignment with our desires. For many it is a belief that they are unworthy of goodness. For many others it is simply the belief that it is wrong or selfish to have money or healthy mutual Love or success or even the body we desire. When we are born, we are born with the innate knowing that we are worthy of Love and abundance and Joy and good health. We are fully connected to our Source Energy, Spirit, God or Universe in Love and appreciation and infinite knowledge.

As we get older the World depletes our passion, our desires, our will and our beliefs. This is done through media, school, religion and so forth. We are taught that it is noble to be poor or give it all away (Mother Theresa syndrome). We are trained that our desires are not important by being told repeatedly that “it is not all about you” if we express our needs or desires as children.

We are told things such as “money doesn’t grow on trees” or we hear comments like “it must be nice” when someone has something that we don’t have especially if it came to them with ease and it is expensive. We are taught that rich people are greedy or only get rich by being devious or hurting others along the way to wealth. So, we hide our talents and play small and don’t go for the promotion because in our minds it means that we have to “step on the little people”. Or we don’t create the business of our dreams that drives our passion and fulfillment because we don’t believe it is possible for us or that we are worthy or that it is selfish somehow or that we should always support others dreams instead of our own (remember? it’s not all about you, hmmm.)

We are told that making money takes really hard work or it takes suffering or giving up our family or Love or relationships in order to get it. Or that we should be happy because “there are starving children in Africa”. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard all of these things as I was growing up.

We are told that only the lucky get rich or you are “born into money”. Or “the rich get rich while the poor get poorer”. Or we are taught that the economy dictates our lives.

We are taught that we shouldn’t get our hopes up too high because we might be disappointed. You might have heard things like “Love is blind” or watched someone you Love go through a divorce because of cheating or abuse and therefore you carry the belief that everyone is unfaithful or cheats or is abusive. You may have experienced abuse yourself and believe that you are not worthy of a healthy meaningful Love from anyone and so you continue to attract abusive relationships or partners that cheat or treat you abusively in some way.

The Universal truth is that you are worthy and Loved and the World and Universe is massively abundant. Your dreams and desires do matter to the Universe. You are here for a reason. You exist OUT OF LOVE and IN LOVE. If you were not Loved or meant to be here, then you wouldn’t BE.

You are worthy of great Love in a mutually Joyful, meaningful relationship that fulfills both you and your partner.

You are completely worthy and capable of creating the Life you desire.

And, the Universe is supporting you and does have your back and is rooting for you whether you realize it or not.

The Universe is abundance in all things good, wonderful and beautiful. There is plenty of everything to live in an abundance of Joy, Love and prosperity of money and good health. The Universe was created to express abundance and goodness. We are taught that there is not enough to go around, the World is lacking abundance or mostly in poverty and we destroy the blessings that the Earth naturally provides as proof of our worthiness and abundance.

A Belief….Law of Attraction Printable Art

YOU Get to Choose!

Let’s look at some examples of the abundance the World offers:

The World has all kinds of natural fresh food growing in every amazing color imaginable to please a variety of tastes with many different nutrients to feed your body and soul. You can choose to eat only vegetable or fruits or meat or a combination of them all. In many cases there are too many restaurants to choose from when you go out for a meal that it can be overwhelming.

There are multiple continents in which you can choose to live with millions of different cities with all kinds of different scenery to choose from whether it is a city filled with tall buildings or beautiful lush green grass to see for miles outside your door. And many different climates to choose from, too!

There are millions of different cars and truck designs, motorcycles, bicycles and other means to choose which one makes you feel excited to drive in an unlimited number of colors.

Everyone has their own specific desires and the Universe has the ability to match your desires in mutuality.

There is someone who is seeking exactly what you are in a mate or partner that you are seeking in return. You can choose what is attractive to you on multiple levels including similar values and beliefs, emotional makeup, spiritual beliefs, tall, short, slender, curvy, race, gender and so much more. We each get to decide what turns us on individually and mutually.

There are an infinite number of people who are asking for exactly what you could offer through creating your dream business that is Joyful and fulfilling for you and meets and exceeds all your financial desires with Joy and ease.

There are probably billions of homes to choose from and somewhere there is a home that is perfect for you and your family to live Joyously.

The Universe is truly abundant and fully able to deliver your dreams.

You must find ways to align with your Source Energy to match the vibration of your dreams in order to manifest them.

You can consciously and purposefully utilize the law of attraction, law of creation, law of unity, law of assumption or other universal spiritual laws of creation to Create the Life of your dreams in more Love, Joy, fulfillment and abundance.

You have a right to your desires as long as it does not infringe upon others rights. There is a way to create a win/win in everything and everything can be created to bring mutual Joy, Love and fulfillment to everyone involved. Creating from a place of mutuality is true Power not Force in order for it to be in alignment with Spirit Source Consciousness. The World has plenty of others that are in alignment with your desires in order to create a Life of Joy, Love, meaning and fulfillment that is a win/win for everyone involved.

Blessings Beautiful Souls!

My work is dedicated to so many powerful Creators that came before my time & live today to teach spiritual truth & inPowerment, Neville Goddard, Abraham Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. David Hawkins, Wayne Dyer and so many more amazing Source Energy connections. Thank you with all my heart as I can feel the truth of your teachings flowing through me.

Yvette shares information as a coach and consultant about the law of attraction, conscious living, spiritual consciousness and law of Creation and is certified in multiple energy healing methods and is also a creative artist. Yvette has not only used these tools to profoundly self-heal many areas of her life but has also worked with others in discovering self-love through reconnection with Source Energy, increased appreciation and more inner peace and live more authentically and empowered to experience their best life. 

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide from my own personal experience and coaching others to betterment. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. My services are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing my coaching and consulting Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and its affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for your self-healing and health. 

Note: All Energy Healing sessions are conducted remotely. Energy Healing is considered an alternative healing method and is not covered by insurance and as such you choose to participate in this Energy Healing method at your own discretion and there are no refunds. 

Raising Your Energy Frequency to Love and Alignment with Source Energy

Hello Beautiful Souls!

Imagine a World where Love abounds. Imagine a World where there is peace and harmony of all race, creed, gender and religion. Imagine a World without fear.


It All starts within…

As Within, So Without…

We are non-physical beings in physical bodies living a physical experience. The last few years have been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride of unexpected things being thrown at us from all directions causing fear, heartache and ill health. These things are at the root cause of more disharmony, ill health emotionally and physically, future chronic illness and dis-ease and more disconnect with others. This is also at the root of our disconnect with our own creativity, Chi, core energy, artistic ambitions, happiness, Joy, Self and Love, peace and abundance.

Many people are seeking for ways to feel alive again, to feel Creative again, to experience and express Love and Joy and connect with others. Many are asking for ways to heal emotionally and physically and release the negative emotions they feel so prominently. So many people are asking how they can contribute to the peace and expansion of the World at large and bring betterment to their life and their community. And, asking how they can realign with their Creative self in all ways.

How can you make a difference not just in your own life, but in the collective experience and increase Love, Joy and abundance?

We are all Creators of our World individually and collectively. The truth is that you are an extension of Source Energy and always connected to the Universe/God/Spirit Consciousness. We are in a constant state of creation through our thoughts, words and actions.

Thoughts become things.
Words resonate into the Universe and create our experience and have the power to harm or heal.
The actions we take create the World around us individually and collectively.

We receive thoughts from Source Energy in alignment with the frequency of our vibration or consciousness. We are constantly receiving inspiration and direction from the Universe in the direction of our desires which is a combination of our Earthy Human desire and our Consciousness in who we have become through our eternal life experience.

Unfortunately, most of us are resonating in the wrong vibration to recognize the guidance that our Source is blessing us with in each moment.

Your question may be, “how do I align with my Source and recognize the guidance I am being sent?”

Anything that raises your vibration closer to Love consciousness and in the state of Love is alignment with your Source Energy and Higher Self or Spirit. Here are a few ways in which you can raise your vibration to Love consciousness and align with your Inner Being and more clearly recognize the guidance that is being shared from the Universe:

• meditation
• yoga/movement
• connection with others
• healthy food and healthy habits
• petting & loving your animals
• expressing appreciation and Love
• spending time in nature
• listening to music/singing
• looking at art that inspires you
• dancing/singing
• making Love
• hugging, kissing, cuddling

These are simply a few ways of many that raises your vibration and brings you into alignment with your Higher Self.

What are some ways you choose and use to raise your vibration?

Blessings my Loves,
Yvette, https://truehealingsource.com
and https://vibe-in-love.com

Yvette lives boldly from her Heart allowing Source Energy to guide her toward living her best life inJoy. She shares information as a coach about law of attraction, conscious living, spiritual consciousness and law of Creation, and leads by example as a positive energy & authentic living guide and is certified in multiple energy healing methods and is also a creative artist. Yvette has not only used these tools to profoundly self heal many areas of her life, but has also worked with others in discovering self love through reconnection with Source Energy, increased appreciation and more inner peace and live more authentically and empowered to experience their best life.

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide from my own personal experience and coaching others to betterment. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. eCoaching Sessions and energy healing are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing this eCoaching Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and it’s affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for you self-healing and health.

What are the Most Valuable Books That Have Helped Shape and Heal Your Life?

Hi Beautiful Souls!

What are some of the most important books that have inspired you or helped shape your life?

What books have contributed to your spiritual growth & live more Joyfully or heal emotionally or physically?

With everything that is going on in the outer World, it is of utmost importance that we discover ways to align with our authentic self, our Source Energy, our Spiritual Consciousness in order to experience life with more flow, Love, abundance and Joy and Optimal Health and well-being.

What are some of the most important books that have helped shift your life into betterment and more consciously Create your Life?

What authors are the most profound authors that have inspired you to Live a greater Life?

What information are you feeding yourself to enrich your life each day?

What you consume is not limited to the food you eat. It’s not strictly about avoiding physical toxins and physical contaminants or fast food or alcohol consumption or taking drugs or smoking cigarettes or anything like that. It is everything around you that you take in daily. Everything that you partake in. This includes the TV shows you watch, the conversations you engage in, the music you listen to, the books you read, the thoughts you think, the words you use to talk to yourself and so much more!

You are here to Live fully in Joy. You are capable of so much more than you are aware of!

It is your birthright to Live in Joy!

Are you choosing to engage in things that enrich your Life and add to your Life Energy?

Or do you choose things that deplete your Life Energy or Chi Energy and keep you stuck, feeling disempowered?

These books are just a tiny glimpse of a very select few authors that have enriched my Life and influenced my Life profoundly in my self healing and self discovery and are well worn out and have been read and re-read time and time again. Each time I read these books, I receive new information that I am ready to receive differently than before.

I am an avid reader and have been for many years. I have been studying spiritual healing and consciousness, quantum physics & energy healing, law of attraction/law of Creation, self healing and self improvement for over 20 years. I most always have a book that I am either reading or re-reading or some other form of study that I am taking in to improve not only my life, but to share with those who wish to shift their life into a more Joyful, healthy, self aware state, too!

I am not sure I could compile a complete list of authors that I have studied over the years as it is vast, however, there are some authors that stand out that have completely shifted my consciousness and the way I choose to live and go about my daily life in more Love and appreciation in general.

Although I have well over a hundred authors and speakers that have helped shape my life since I consciously began my spiritual healing journey, I have compiled a few of my favorite authors and speakers (not in any specific order) that have had the most profound impact on my life:

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Bartlett D.C., N.D.
Abraham Hicks
Neville Goddard
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Gregg Braden
Wayne Dyer
Gabby Bernstein
Mel Robbins
Marisa Peer
Dr. Joe Vitale
Dr. Dain Heer
Louise Hay
Brené Brown

If you are beginning our journey into self healing, spiritual growth and self mastery, I encourage you to study these authors. Read and re-read their teachings. Take in what resonates with you and what you feel the most alignment with.

Pace yourself…

I encourage you to indulge in these authors and books at a healthy pace as this knowledge is going to profoundly shift your life from this point forward. Don’t rush it. You will feel which one is the most beneficial for you as you go along. Allow your intuition to guide you on your journey into self discovery.

Blessings of Love, Abundance and Optimal Health,
Yvette, Energy Healer, Conscious Creator & Creative Artist
Founder of https://truehealingsource.com

Yvette lives boldly from her Heart allowing Source Energy to guide her toward living her best life inJoy. She shares information as a coach about law of attraction, conscious living, spiritual consciousness and law of Creation, and leads by example as a positive energy & authentic living guide and is certified in multiple energy healing methods and is also a creative artist. Yvette has not only used these tools to profoundly self heal many areas of her life, but has also worked with others in discovering self love through reconnection with Source Energy, increased appreciation and more inner peace and live more authentically and empowered to experience their best life.

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide from my own personal experience and coaching others to betterment. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. eCoaching Sessions and energy healing are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing this eCoaching Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and it’s affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for you self-healing and health.