What is the Meaning of Om?

Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” The very foundations of our Universe, of matter and thought, appear to lie in sound vibration.

I found this explanation and I love it: “Om is the Word of God.” The sound OM is a vibration from which all the manifest universe emanates. Form and creation come from vibration. OM is the most elemental of vibrations. It is the sound of the void. Frawley says: “Om is the prime mantra of the Higher Self or Atman. It attunes us with our true nature. It is the sound of the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the universe, who is also the inner guru and prime teacher. It reflects both the manifest and un-manifest Brahman, sustaining the vibration of being, life, and consciousness in all worlds and all creatures.”

What a beautiful description of the meaning of the word Om.

Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette (Self Love Coach, Guide to Authentic Living, Transformational Comprehensive Energy Healer and Law of Attraction teacher)

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Quartz Crystal Energy Healing Properties

Do you have a favorite quartz crystal for your self healing?

Crystals and gemstones hold frequencies and vibration that are considered beneficial for self healing many things.

There are so many stones that are part of the crystal quartz family

One of my favorites it ROSE QUARTZ for its unconditional Love properties and increases all different forms of Love. Use Rose quartz during meditation to increase deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

It is a beautiful light pink semi precious stone for increasing feelings of self worth, self Love and self acceptance.

Rose Quartz supports your HEART CHAKRA.


Clear Quartz is known to amplify the healing properties of other crystals. Use clear quartz during meditation to amplify your energy, clairvoyance and spiritual clarity.

Clear Crystal Quartz supports your CROWN CHAKRA

AMETHYST is beautiful stone and can be light purple with almost no color or very deep purple. Amethyst has healing properties that support growth in spiritual awareness, inner peace and it is also used for healing the body, mind and soul. Amethyst can be used during meditation to bring balance and relieve anxiety & stress.

Amethyst supports your CROWN CHAKRA & THIRD EYE CHAKRA

Which quartz crystal is your favorite?

Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette (Self Love Coach, Guide to Authentic Living, Transformational Comprehensive Energy Healer and Law of Attraction teacher)

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Daily Inspiration for Self Love & Empowerment 11-06-20

“You’re not stuck you’re just committed to a certain pattern”

Do you feel frozen in the patterns that are recurring in you’re life?

Keep in mind: If you are reading this, it is meant for you to receive right now. There is something in your consciousness that is asking for an answer. How does this message resonate with you?

Staying where you are is comfortable. Change takes effort and commitment to really make a significant amount of impact on your life.

It’s a journey of the mind, body and spirit. It’s a daily reprogramming of your consciousness, your neurology and you’re physiology to move into the new energy and alignment with your desire in a way that enables you to live it consistently and permanently.

You’re not stuck, you’re just not committed to changing what you complain about. Really you’re not committed to yourself for change. And, somewhere you took in the belief that your not worthy of your desires or good enough or strong enough to do what it takes to make the change.

You’re not uncomfortable enough to get up and make the changes you say you want. Sometimes we want to notice a significant result when we make a change, such as weight loss. If you begin working out you expect your clothes to fit differently and especially want to see the numbers drop on the scale. And when you don’t it can be disheartening and then many people just quit their efforts assuming that it is just not working.

You are not weak! Stop playing small! STOP quitting on yourself!

With the right mindset, support and positive expectation, you can change anything. The Universe is always on your side, always supporting you, always backing you up, always guiding you to what you desire. But, you have to be in alignment with that desire in order to recognize the Universal guidance.

What changes are you actually committed to making for yourself?

You are worth every bit of the life you desire.

Do you want a healthier body and mind? Are you committed to what it takes to get there?

Do you want to manifest more money and abundance for your family? Are you committed to changing your mindset to get it? Are you willing to take inspired action that the Universe flows through you?

Do you REALLY want to heal the old trauma and hurts or are you benefiting from playing the victim, playing small?

What patterns are you committed to that are blocking you from manifesting all yours dreams and desires? How badly do you REALLY want them?

Are you to make this commitment to yourself? You are worth it!!!

What will it cost you (good or bad)? emotionally, financially, physically, getting needs met from others?

Where will I be 3, 6 or 12 months from now if I don’t MAKE A CHANGE now? Will I be in the same place I am, complaining about the same things that aren’t working in my life right now?

These are just a few questions to ask yourself today…

Are you ready to reconnect with more SELF LOVE than ever before? Visit here to find out more about my Self Love & Empowerment Program and transform your life!

Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette (Self Love Coach, Guide to Authentic Living, Transformational Comprehensive Energy Healer and Law of Attraction teacher)

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Turquoise Dowsing Pendulum for Energy Healing

Dowsing Pendulums have been used for centuries by many cultures across the World in health and healing.

This beautiful dowsing pendulum is hand made with turquoise dyed magnesite (semi-precious) stones and copper elements with antiqued copper chain.

Magnesite opens the HEART CHAKRA and stimulates unconditional Love. You can use magnesite during meditation to instill deep peace during. Magnesite has a calming affect on emotions and helps promote resilience against emotional stress. Some people use magnesite to release nervous tension.

Using your dowsing pendulum will take practice and patience when you begin.

With practice, a neutral mindset and the correct method you can accurately use a pendulum to test the most beneficial foods, supplements and other items that are best for your health.

There are ways to test if your energy is reversed before you begin using your pendulum. If you energy is reversed you will receive inaccurate testing results from your pendulum that may be false. You would need to clear your energy of reversal before proceeding the energy testing with your pendulum in order to get the full truth.

There are also multiple energy frequency levels to test in order to receive accurate results in you’re testing among with the field you’re testing against as well.

Is not just a matter of asking “is this good for me?” or “should I take this vitamin or herb?”

There are deeper methods of testing to receive accurate information that is pertinent to a specific subject or health issue. And, there are very specific methods of wording questions and statements to elicit 100% truth from your pendulum in order to serve your highest healing.

Is this turquoise and copper dowsing pendulum available? 


Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette, Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach, Authentic Living Guide and Law of Attraction teacher

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Daily Inspiration for Self Love & Empowerment 11-05-20

“Whenever you feel sad, just remember there are billions of angels in the Universe and all they care about is you”


The Universe revolves around you. You are an integral part playing in the Universe unfolding every moment of every day.

Keep in mind: If you are reading this, it is meant for you to receive right now. There is something in your consciousness that is asking for an answer. How does this message resonate with you?

Don’t question your worth for a moment. You are not separate, you are part of the Universe as a whole. Your worth is more than you can fathom.

You are an extension of Source Energy and you are here to experience this physical reality in a unique way different from all others. You are experiencing all that life has to offer through your physical body with Source Energy along for the ride, enjoying this physical experience through your eyes.

Why would Source Energy (Spirit, God, Universe) want to experience the World any other way? Why would Source choose to only experience the World through sameness? Would YOU want to do the same things every day, think the same thoughts, wear the same clothes, etc.?

That is how this World expects us to be. The same as everyone else. With the same thoughts, beliefs, opinions and desires.

The law of attraction states that contrast is the point of creation. It gives us the opportunity to choose what we do want. As worthy Infinite Beings, it is our birthright to have free will and choice.

As you make choices, the Universe guides you toward what you want from a broader perspective. But, you have to be in alignment with your Source Energy and desire in order to hear the call.

The Universe is always working for you and supporting you as if you are the most worthy Being alive… and you are… and so is everyone else.

Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette (Self Love Coach, Guide to Authentic Living, Transformational Comprehensive Energy Healer and Law of Attraction teacher)

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Courage and Abundance Mala Necklace for Energy Healing

Affirmation card included: I am at one with my Source. I have the full support of the Universe behind me.

I create a CUSTOM ENERGY HEALING CODE for each knotted meditation necklace that is intended to increase self love and magnify the energy healing qualities of this ONE OF A KIND mala beads unique affirmation.

This unique energy healing code is only created once you purchase the necklace and is created unique to the receiver.

This Courage, Abundance and Love mala is hand knotted with 8mm amazonite rondelles + wood grain stones (semi-precious stones) and a rudraksha seed (guru bead) with a handmade silk tassel and a copper OM charm on the center back. These mala beads measure 36 inches long.

Amazonite is know as a soothing stone and used to increase feelings of Self Love, Clairvoyance and Communication. Amazonite inspires truth and clarity and dispels negative energy and blockages within the nervous system. It supports the manifestation of Universal Love.

Amazonite balances the masculine and feminine energies (yin/yang) and supports releasing emotional trauma and worry and is grounding.

• These mala beads support your HEART CHAKRA AND ROOT CHAKRA


Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette, Self Love Coach, Guide to Authentic Living, Comprehensive Energy Healer and Law of Attraction teacher

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Crystal & Copper Dowsing Pendulum for Energy Healing

Dowsing Pendulums have been used for centuries by many cultures across the World in health and healing.

Many people use pendulums for metaphysical purposes such as spiritual healing or testing chakras that are out of balance and asking specific questions for optimal health and self healing.

Pendulum dowsing is an art and can be learned and practiced by anyone with a bit of patience and practice and learning to test from a neutral mindset without judgement of the outcome or answer your receive from your pendulum.

You can learn to test a variety of things for your family & pets nutritional needs, food sensitivities, most beneficial supplements or dietary items for optimal health & weight loss.

Pendulums and dowsing rods have been used for centuries across the World by people of all cultures and religions with tremendous accuracy once you learn how to dowse properly and ask the right questions.

Some energy healing practitioners use dowsing pendulums to test the health of their clients, which supplements are the most helpful, what part of the body is in crisis, which chakras are out of balance and more.

I began using a dowsing pendulum over 20 years ago and I personally use my pendulum daily for myself and my family.

Regular practice with your dowsing pendulum increases accuracy and strengthens your intuition and builds trust in your own muscle testing and pendulum dowsing. However, ALWAYS REMEMBER that if you are using your pendulum just to prove you are right or the answer you are hoping to receive, then you are not using your pendulum with the utmost accuracy. You must fully let go of the outcome when using your pendulum in order to receive truth and accuracy.

For example: if you LOVE chocolate and want to know if it is causing you to gain weight or is blocking you from losing weight, and you don’t want to give it up, then you should probably avoid testing if chocolate is healthy for you or blocking your weight loss because your answer will most likely be skewed or false because you have too much attachment to the outcome.

Another example: if you have a specific belief about someone or something, ask an independent party who you fully trust, who is proficient in accurate testing using a pendulum or other method of muscle testing or kinesiology to test for you without a biased opinion.


Especially in the beginning as you use your pendulum, you might find it beneficial to practice meditation or yoga or other method to quiet your mind before you begin energy testing with your pendulum.

Using a dowsing rod or pendulum can be highly useful when using an energy healing method such as meridian tapping (TFT, QT, EFT) or other energy healing methods such as Reiki in which you can ask the truth or falsehood of a statement. This can be highly beneficial in self healing and self care physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I encourage you to use your dowsing pendulum with the highest intention of receiving 100% truth no matter the outcome, otherwise you are only receiving partial truth or what you believe to be true or desire to show true.


Crystal Quartz Copper Dowsing Pendulum Set with Mini Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

This beautiful dowsing pendulum set includes the regular size pendulum (11 inches) and a matching mini pendulum (4 1/2 inches) that can be carried in your purse or pocket or kept in your car or desk for when you want to test something quickly. This pendulum set is hand crafted with cracked quartz agate, crystal quartz, copper wire, copper beads + antiqued copper chain. This dowsing pendulum set is an original design by True Healing Source © Price includes standard shipping to the contiguous U.S. only.



Crystal Quartz Dowsing Pendulum

This beautiful Crystal + Copper energy testing pendulum is hand crafted with cracked quartz agate (20mm), crystal quartz, copper beads + antiqued copper chain and measures 11 inches long. This dowsing pendulum is an original design by True Healing Source © Price includes standard shipping to the contiguous U.S. only.



Mini Crystal Quartz Copper Dowsing Pendulum

This beautiful mini Crystal + Copper energy testing pendulum is a mini version of my most popular crystal and copper dowsing pendulum and is handmade with cracked crystal agate (14mm), crystal quartz, copper beads + chain and measures 6 1/2 inches long. This dowsing pendulum is an original design by True Healing Source © NOTE: Listing is for one pendulum only. Price includes standard shipping to the contiguous U.S. only.



You are deeply Loved and completely Worthy!
Blessings of Optimal Health & Peace,
Yvette, founder & healer

My work is dedicated to so many powerful Creators that came before my time & live today to teach spiritual truth & inPowerment, Neville Goddard, Abraham Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. David Hawkins, Wayne Dyer and so many more amazing Source Energy connections. Thank you with all my heart as I can feel the truth of your teachings flowing through me.

Yvette lives boldly from her Heart allowing Source Energy to guide her toward living her best life inJoy. She shares information as a coach about law of attraction, conscious living, spiritual consciousness and law of Creation, and leads by example as a positive energy & authentic living guide and is certified in multiple energy healing methods and is also a creative artist. Yvette has not only used these tools to profoundly self heal many areas of her life, but has also worked with others in discovering self love through reconnection with Source Energy, increased appreciation and more inner peace and live more authentically and empowered to experience their best life.

*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed healthcare provider, counselor or therapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator and coach to natural wellness and positive living guide from my own personal experience and coaching others to betterment. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. eCoaching Sessions and energy healing are not a substitute for medical advice, therapy or other counseling from a medical professional. True Healing Source offers an alternative method that is considered complimentary to other healing methods and can been used to enhance other traditional healing methods. If you are experiencing a significant issue, are in distress or significant pain, please connect with the appropriate professional service such as a licensed doctor. By choosing this eCoaching Service, you agree to be 100% fully responsible for your health and well-being physically and emotionally. You release all responsibility and liability from True Healing Source and it’s affiliates. You take 100% full responsibility for you self-healing and health.

Daily Motivation for Manifesting & Law of Attraction

“The way you are describing your life is the way it is manifesting”

You are the powerful creator of your life and the law of attraction is always working for you.

As you focus on something you are manifesting everything that matches that frequency into your life.

As you interact with others do you talk about all the ways you’re life is going wrong? Do you talk about the symptoms in your body in order to identify with others? Do you talk about others with anger or rage? Do you talk about how much your partner upsets you? Do you talk with others about how much stress your children cause you? Do you complain about money? Do you complain about how stressed out you feel?

Or do you talk about how much you love your partner or family? Or do you show appreciation for the abundance that is surrounding you? Do you interact with others and talk about positive things and good health?

Your words and thoughts are creative vibrations that are echoing out into the Universe and returning back to you in the form of people and experiences that match those frequencies.

Talk about things that bring you Joy.
Speak of things you wish to manifest in your life with anticipation and excitement. Have conversations with people that will support you instead of turning the conversation to something negative such as gossip about others, how bad the economy is, bad health or other negative issues.

What do you want to manifest in your life? Only talk about those things…

Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette, Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Authentic Living Guide

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Do You Have a Favorite Crystal for Energy Healing?

Do you have a favorite quartz crystal for your self healing?

Crystals and gemstones hold frequencies and vibration that are considered beneficial for self healing many things.

There are so many stones that are part of the crystal quartz family 💕

One of my favorites it rose quartz for its unconditional Love properties and increases all different forms of Love. Use Rose quartz during meditation to increase deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

It is a beautiful stone for increasing feelings of self worth, self Love and self acceptance.

Rose Quartz supports your HEART CHAKRA.

But, I also love clear quartz crystal!
Is known to amplify the healing properties of other crystals 💎 Use clear quartz during meditation to amplify your energy, clairvoyance and spiritual clarity.

Clear Crystal Quartz supports your CROWN CHAKRA

Amethyst is beautiful with healing properties that support growth in spiritual awareness, inner peace and it is also used for healing the body, mind and soul. Amethyst can be used during meditation to bring balance and relieve anxiety & stress.

Amethyst supports your CROWN CHAKRA & THIRD EYE CHAKRA

Which quartz crystal is your favorite?

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Daily Affirmation – for Self Love & Self Worth

“Never beg anyone to be in your life. If you call, text, visit and still get ignored, walk away. It’s called self respect “
You are worthy of all the love and unlimited-ness the Universe has to offer.

You are valuable beyond measure just as you are. Your vibration that you are emitting dictates the people and experiences that you attract into your life.

And, people treat you the way you teach them to treat you.

Don’t lower your standards of what’s ok in the way people treat you.

If you have healed the victim inside and you feel worthiness and self love and appreciation for who you are then you will not attract people into your life who don’t value you.

You won’t attract situations where you feel unloved or unappreciated or worthless.

You will begin to attract people that love and adore you and fully support you. You will attract situations from life that feel miraculous when you reflect back on them.


Don’t leave your feelings of self worth up to someone who hates them self and projects that onto you.

I’ve been there on the other side. It took massive self healing efforts to shift my life and rediscover the self love and worthiness that I we are all born with.

Because of my own journey out of self hatred, body shame and unworthiness, I am so passionate about helping you reconnect with your Source Energy and rediscover your worthiness through aligning with your authentic self.

I created a 12 week Self Love Intensive journey into healing issues with self worth, body hatred and shame while transforming you into massive self love, self appreciation and worthiness. This new higher energy vibration that you align with will ripple out into all areas of your life.

I invite you to join me for this powerful 12 Week healing journey here.

See you there 🥰
Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette (Self Love Coach, Guide to Authentic Living and Transformational Comprehensive Energy Healer)

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.

Crystal & Resin Dowsing Pendulum for Energy Healing

Dowsing Pendulums have been used for centuries by many cultures across the World in health and healing.

With practice, a neutral mindset and the correct method you can accurately use a pendulum to test the most beneficial foods, supplements and other items that are best for your health.

There are multiple energy frequency levels to test in order to receive accurate results in you’re testing among with the field you’re testing against.

Is not just a matter of asking “is this good for me?”

I created this energy dowsing pendulum with a crystal resin bead, crystal beads, shell beads and silver plated finding and chain.


Blessings of Optimal Health and Peace,
Yvette, Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Authentic Living Guide

Yvette is a Comprehensive Energy Healer, Self Love Coach and Guide to Authentic living and works remotely with women all over the World to reconnect with their Divine Authentic Self (Source Energy) and rediscover Self Love, Body Love and Self Appreciation. Her passion is helping women experience life from a place of power, self love and authenticity so they can move through all stages of life with ease, grace and self appreciation in who they are in this physical body.

When she is not working with clients one on one she spends her time meditating or reading inspirational books or blogging about self Love and empowerment, self healing, the Law of Attraction or holistic health. Or, she can be found in her home studio creating beautiful Spiritual Goddess jewelry.